Legacy Giving

Robert and June Haudenschild have lived in St Albert since they were married 53 years ago.    As long-time donors and volunteers of the hospital, they care about their community!

Through all their personal health challenges, they are grateful to the hospital’s dedicated staff who have always been there for them. Because of this care they felt they wanted to leave a legacy gift in their wills to the Sturgeon Community Hospital Foundation.

 “We feel good about this decision to invest in our hospital’s future so we can impact healthcare for our community for years to come.”

After you have ensured your loved ones are taken care of, have you ever considered what you want your legacy to be?   What difference do you want to make in the world?   Did you know gifts made through your will often reduce or eliminate taxes owed on your final estate? Check with your financial advisor about what may be right for you.

As a caring supporter, I hope you will consider the Sturgeon Community Hospital Foundation in your legacy plans.

Established through sound estate planning, Legacy Gifts provide the donor with the satisfaction of knowing that his or her gift will act as a personal legacy to enrich the lives of others for generations to come.  Many leagcy giving options exist including the following:

For more information on our legacy giving program, please contact Katrina Black at (780) 418-7361.

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