We all know that mental health is positively impacted by physical health. The health of our frontline staff and physicians has been at the forefront of our minds throughout the pandemic.
NOW - Thanks to #DonorDriven – staff at the Sturgeon have a new reason to celebrate - The PULSE GENERATOR fitness centre is now open in the Hospital.
To improve staff health and wellness several upgrades to the Sturgeon Hospital's fitness centre have been supported through the Foundation from the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation 50/50 raffle for Operation Frontline Impact (supporting 39 healthcare foundations). We appreciate every dollar of The Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation's contributions over the past year to the Sturgeon Community Hospital Foundation, and we couldn’t be happier than to spend the proceeds on staff health and wellness.
Nestled in a space next to the Hospital cafeteria, the fitness centre has been expanded and brightened up. New exercise equipment has been purchased, including a TRX, and staff now have access to certified instructors, fitness classes and online resources.
All thanks to the support of the Foundation and our generous community. #DonorDriven.